An Exclusive Interview With Musical Artist Peter Barr

Tell our readers who is Peter Barr ?

I am a musical Artist and my focus is on Rythm, and Harmony.

What was the inspiration behind your style of music?

I’ve been inspired by a wide range of Music and Musicians from all over the world, Especially Haiti, Trinidad, Jamaica, and Africa.

 What challenges do you face in your industry?

My biggest challenge has been staying focused on my own music while working (as Drummer) for so many exellent local emerging artists.

Is there anything from your childhood or background that impacts your craft in any way ?

When i was a kid I loved to ride and customize bikes, skateboards, roller blades, hockey skates, and downhill ski’s. The feeling of flowing was felt doing all these activities and i learned to love the space i would get into.
As I began my music training I seldom had time to skate, bike, and ski, but the feeling of flowing came back to me in a groove i held, with a large group of musicians in college.

What plans do you have for 2018 ?

In 2018 I’m planning to hold back less, and let more songs out, since my early flights of fancy as an 11 year old drummer I’ve been writing little love songs and hooks, but only develop a tiny percentage of the catalog into actual releases. So I’m starting the year off by releasing a song every two weeks in January, and hopefully by February ill have another couple songs ready to continue the energy. By March I’m hoping to have some touring lined up, perhaps an opening slot for one of the artists I’m drumming with, or an appearance in a European Music Festival

Tell us about your journey leading up to the release of your new song?

The songs i’m getting ready to release have been in project phase for two years and more. They both started as collaborations that I developed to their current states of audio mastery.. So the journey has been transitioning from hearing my songs in my head in my spare time, to making it my main focus and doing gigs in my spare time. I recorded the Drums, Steel Pan, and Vocal parts over and over, until i became satisfied by hearing them back, then i rehearsed and recorded the songs with a great rhythm section , Francis Mbappe (Bass), and Earl Appleton (Keys). The next step was to feel as satisfied with my singing voice. I found a brilliant Producer/ Mix Engineer (Parry Jack) who made it all possible in 2 sessions..

 What’s NEXT and where can your new fans follow you?

Next I’m planning to make a video for my Single release on January 8th “More As We Go”.

Fans can follow me at:

IG: peterbarrmusic

Peace and

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