An Exclusive Interview With Beautiful Model Model Imaan Abdulle
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education etc ?
Well, my name is Imaan Abdulle. I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I am 20 years old. After I went to school here in the Netherlands, I decided to focus on one of my other big passions which is dance. I do classical ballet and contemporary. I went to a pre-academy
for it. I really liked it, however after a while I wanted to go ahead and try to go to university. Then after that modeling sort of came in the way. Nowadays I try to do both.
At what point did you decided to become an model ?
It was actually quite random. Someone reached out to me on Facebook that wanted to shoot some new photos for a portfolio. I was always interested in photo shoots and it seemed like a fun experience to me. After it was finished I remember how much I loved being able to express myself in such a creative way. I really liked photography as well and modeling is just a total different art, really. It may sound silly to say that, but I see modeling as an art. I see a successful photo as an artwork because it can impact the way people feel just like art can. After this shoot I did some more shoots and then eventually I started with agencies.
How can people find you online and get updates about it ?
I have my own website. It is called What I mainly do there is post new photos for my portfolio. I am also looking to start getting into (fashion) blogging, so that might happen soon as well. However, I am mainly very active on my Instagram which is

If you could choose, what three actors or models would you really want to work with?
That is a good question! It is a dream of mine to meet Iman Abdulmajid one day. She’s one of my biggest inspirations and being East-African myself, I really look up to her. I remember as a kid people would always ask me if I was named after her. I’m a huge fan of her so it would truly be a dream come true. She is such an iconic model. I am also really into fashion so it would be amazing if I could ever work with my favorite fashion magazines, which are Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan. I don’t know if that will ever happen, though. But hey, a girl can dream ha.
Ideally, where would you like to see yourself five years from now?
Oh wow. That’s difficult. I have so many different kinds of goals. I’d obviously love to be able to succeed as a model. That would be the most amazing thing ever. I’d also love to have an influence in today’s fashion industry. I love fashion and everything that has to do with fashion. Another thing that I really care a lot for is mental health. This is something that is close to my heart. My brother was born mentally ill and growing up I always saw the problems that the system and society itself has. I hope that someday I can make a change about that, or at least contribute to a positive change. I think we need more compassion, kindness and a better way to help others. I think this is
what matters most to me.
Motivation is important within the profession. What would you say is your motivator currently? How do you remain positive and focused within your role?
My motivation is my passion, probably. It has always been like that whenever I wanted to do something, my number one motivation has been passion. I feel like when the passion goes away, everything goes
away. Without passion you are nowhere. So I always try to keep that spark within me alive. Of course, you’re going to have bad days and have bad experiences. It is just about moving on from that and just doing whatever your heart tells you to do. Even if it is difficult or it has never been done before. It might be difficult, but it is never impossible I like to think.
To be an established model you need to be able to measure your success and build on this. How do you evaluate success within your role?
For now I try to take it step by step, even though that is hard. I am someone that has a very strong vision and goals. I feel like this can work against you sometimes though, because you’ll fail to see the little progress if you focus so much on the big stuff. It is hard to take it step by step, but that is just something I try. I don’t want to ever get ahead of myself. I just want to remain having a positive attitude and go as far as possible.

Thinking back over your career today, what has been your greatest accomplishment as Model ?
Well, of course mine has just started. But for me the thing that was really great for me is getting into model agencies and also creating good photos.
Talk me through some of your biggest achievements to date. Why were these memorable to you, and how did you achieve them?
It is memorable for me because it is the first step of getting closer to your goal. I remember it made me really happy as it was a doorway to get closer to what I want. Thank you.
(Photos By Bikkelfotografie )