Oil Cleansing 101
If you suffered any type of problem skin when you were a teenager, you know the horrors that can be associated with it: acne, blackheads, and whiteheads. So, it’s probably difficult for you to comprehend how adding oil to already oily or otherwise problematic skin could be beneficial. But fear not, all will be explained.
The Natural Barrier
Your skin contains within it sebaceous glands that naturally produce oils. These oils are called sebum. Sebum is that which waterproofs your skin and is also what creates the fingerprints you leave behind. It works to keep excess water from entering your body as well as keeping excess water from leaving your body. This wax-like sheen also protects you from several infection-causing agents.
When your skin produces too much oil, your pores become clogged with dirt, dead skin cells, and trapped bacteria. Since oil and water do not mix, using regular cleansers to clean your face does not clean as deeply as cleansing oils can. Instead, those detergent and alcohol-based cleansers strip away your skin’s oils almost entirely, which causes your sebaceous glands to kick into overdrive to replace the lost oils.
Add Oil to Remove Oil?
Yes, that does seem a bit backwards, doesn’t it? But following one of the primary principles of chemistry, ‘like dissolve like’, the best way to dissolve sebum is by using another oil, similar in composition, to bind to the impurity laden sebum and cleanse your pores naturally. Something similar to CRUDE’s Everything Oil, for example. This process replaces your skin’s dirty oil with oil from natural botanicals and helps heal nourish, and protect your skin.
There are several beneficial cleansing oils to choose from, depending on your skin type. Castor oil is known to give the most cleansing power and is known for its antibacterial nature. Other oils include:
- Olive – good for all skin types
- Grapeseed – good for all skin types, especially oily
- Sunflower Seed – good for all skin types
- Jojoba – good for all skin types, but good for acne-prone skin
- Sweet almond – good for all skin types, especially oily
- Avocado – good for dry and aging skin
- Argan – good for all skin types, especially aging skin; however, it is very expensive
- Apricot Kernel – good for dry, aging, and normal skin
- Tamanu – good for all skin types; however, it is very expensive.
How to Use Cleansing Oils
- Begin by massaging a quarter-sized dollop of cleansing oil into your face. Massage gently and refrain from scrubbing as that action can be irritating to your skin.
- Next, you will steam your face. This is done by dampening a washcloth in warm or hot water, whichever your preference, and draping it over your face, leaving it in place until it becomes room temperature or approximately 30-45 seconds. This action opens your pores so the cleansing oil can better draw the impurities out of your skin and condition it.
- Once your face has been steamed, gently massage the cleansing oil back into your face to free all the impurities trapped within your pores. Rinse your washcloth and repeat the steaming process
- When you have finished your steaming, rinse the washcloth again, wring it out, and start to wipe the oil away gently. This action removes the grime and dead skin cells the cleansing process released that would otherwise lead to acne.
- Finally, splash cold water on your face to close your pores and then gently pat your skin dry.