Dilyer stevens got a Instagram follow from his biggest inspiration Bryce Xavier after mentioning him in the Pax Jones interview !

Bryce Xavier followed Dilyer on Instagram after mentioned in the pax jones interview, Dilyer said:
“My number one role model has to be Bryce Xavier”
“I owe him all my support for being an amazing inspiration in music, fashion, and personality.
“I hope I can talk to him one day and thank him for being amazing!”
Having previously suffered from online bullying because of a disorder, With only 16 years old, Dilyer began to use his platform as an outlet to help aid his recovery, as well as provide inspiration to others in a similar position.

Now, Dilyer has a wealth of experience in the industry and is Seen often support for a number of causes that he feels passionate about, including the racism and human rights. Overtime, Dilyer has gone on to become a successful role model for some men, using his platforms to encourage individuality. highly engaged Instagram feed, He’s an influencer creeping his way into the next bracket, With thousands of highly engaged followers, As well as all of that, “ The king D” often uses his platform and discusses all elements of life – the ups, the downs and the brutally honest truth. Relatable to many, Dilyer openly talks about many topics that are still seen as ‘taboo’ and is making it his mission to break the stigma, Dilyer Congratulations on your biggest inspirations follow

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