Johnny Dominguez Aka JD Rex Net worth is estimated to be $47 million as of 2020

When it comes to building a successful business empire, we’re always reminded that “the triangle of success for an entrepreneur is not only composed of his net worth but as well his networks and self-worth” – Johnny Dominguez AKA JD Rex is one of the affluent entrepreneurs in the tech industry and has accumulated a fortune that conservatively totals $47 million.

Over the years, Johnny Dominguez has managed to thrive against all the odds while building a legacy in the tech industry.  Today, he is most notable for being the founder and CEO of Vestige LLC, which currently, is one of the top-rated Amazon automation service providers.

Vestige LLC offers customized automated solutions to assist their clients with growing their online presence and improving revenue generation on their Amazon stores.

Not surprisingly, the majority of JD Rex’s fortune is attributable to his shares as CEO of Vestige and his earnings as a software developer.

His start is all the more impressive given that the Cuban native began his entrepreneurial journey at a very young age, where he began working on computers and learning programming languages.

Johnny’s success with Vestige LLC accounts for the majority of his fortune, but that is far from his only money-making venture. He also runs an exotic car rental company that has paid off due to his commitment to customer service.


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