MSB Mario Milan Talk About Latest Book LEWIS -MY SOUL- BAILEY

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

First at all, pleasure to be the first spanish writer here in!

I started to write novels in (2014) I had just left a relationship with my first ex (the best one) and was in a pretty dark place. After the relationship, I had written up 100 different ways we could continue and by 101 I had realised that my writing was too interesting to be between my ex and me. I’d realised that writing had become part of my emotional process and the only way I could truly say what I had to say… By the time, I express myself better in writing rather than speaking, it’s fluent and normal for me… The normality in my writing probably comes from my grandfather, the stories he told me when I was younger were told so vividly, every conversation we had felt like I was reading a book.

 What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

No schedule always. Time is not art for me. So very unorganised, haha. When I’m writing I create to my feeling, and I can’t control that, it can be from 4pm to 3am one day and 9am to 5pm the next. It took me a while to get to grips with that working method, but I learnt it from a band from Liverpool, who’s also very close friends (@littlegraceuk). I spent about 3 months in their home 2 years ago, and whilst they worked on their music, I worked on my writing, and seeing how they worked got me into the mind frame of ‘Okay if I’m not getting it today, I will get it soon, but I must write something, otherwise there’s no chance of me getting it.’ So now I write every day and when I feel like sleeping, I look at Kira (my German Shepard) and get my head down, then check my writing and again and again…

So yes, I don’t use schedule because I am the verb: Write.

 How long does it take you to write a book?

My latest novel, Lewis-My Soul-Bailey, has been a work in progress since 2017. I started my research when I was in Liverpool, but once I felt I had enough I sat down for a week straight to write the book. Fast! So writing doesn’t actually take me too long, but the work behind the scenes take a lifetime…

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Real life. From all that excite my mind… From the accent of me mum, to the accent of my dad… Uncle scouser Fat Tom too! A lot of the concepts and ideas you read are real life, they may be exaggerated but they’re all stories of a story that was never told.They’re the story of the scouser in a Widnes (Liverpool) pub, the stories of a boy from Reus touching Speke on bonfire night, the story of someone who’s only good for a bag of lemo on a Saturday, I am a huge fan of the small things, the things that happen in our day that people don’t even notice, or just take for face value. They have a lot of value to me and I’m here to give these small things time and concentration in order to make people aware of them. The same way that some songwriters take a 15-year relationship and condense into 3 minutes, I take a 3-minute experience and expand into a 6-page chapter… So you know, gathering information for a book tends to take a lifetime for myself, I could go on, but we’ve got a deadline jaja.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?

I started writing shorts for a website at the age of 20, and 23 my first book came out, but that book started when I was… I don’t know… I was always writing inside my mind…

 How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?

I have 2 full books that I’ve written. My favourite is definitely Lewis- My Soul- Bailey. It’s written in English and Spanish. My first book was 100% Spanish and written with reference to Spanish culture, whereas my latest one is a mixture of the two cultures. I have recently involved myself in English culture so I consider this book as a Spanglish book, which makes it more interesting to read in my opinion. I’ve also created this with a solid understanding of current social standards, and I kept that in mind when creating the cover and layout of the book…. I hope you have the same taste than me!

What was your hardest scene to write?

All were easy, I’m too good with my hands haha! No, seriously… I think the whole book was a challenge, the whole argument has taken its toll on my emotional well being and really challenged my mental health, I think there was a lot of self-doubt whilst writing, I was in and out of my relationship (more out than in…) I was really trying to understand the title’s story, Lewis Bailey’s story. So I don’t think any scene was particularly difficult, but I think a challenging part of writing the book was getting in touch with my depression and anxieties in order to write them down.

8) How can we Find You on social Media ?

My insta handle is @msbmario_milan You’ll find  my new book in the bio there too: Lewis-My Soul- Bailey ¿Has querido morir alguna vez?.

But you can always find me smoking in a good spot in Barcelona haha!

Thank you a lot for giving me this time and space in your  Website. I Hope you enjoy the book, MSB

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